The Disorientation

This is a page inspired by the now movement, where I'll write about stuff I'm working on now.


Thinking about reading Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. I have all three books sitting on my desk, waiting for me.


Playing through GreedFall, a janky RPG with an interesting Revoultion-era fantasy setting.

Started Persona 5, a JRPG in a school setting. I played through Persona 4 as a kid and it ended up being one of my favorite games ever, so I have high hopes for this one.


Working on a novel (of sorts) about a gang of kids roaming a post-apocalyptic, surreal and unreal, cityscape.

Working on a worldbuilding project about siblings on opposite sides of an arctic time war.

I've also got a plethora of short stories and poems in various stages of development.


Added a Links section on this website. It'll be a page where I'll collect interesting (to me) links I've found on the internet.

Continuing my Korean and Japanese studies. Is it a smart idea to study more than one language at a time? Probably not. Am I still having fun? Hell yeah.

I'm planning on re-learning 3D modelling. I used to do that when I was younger, but got preoccupied with school.

Last updated: Sept. 29, 2024